Sunday, 26 June 2016

VMware App Volumes 3.0 Confusion Frustrates Customers

3.0 Application volumes VMware customers have encountered technical problems that may arise from the exit strategy from the supplier.

application volumes bed is a product that allows you to deploy applications to users through virtual disks workstations. With the software, you can assign and deliver the AppStacks users, which are groups of applications. After VMware has published volumes of application 3.0 in March, professionals complained several problems with the new product, including the inability to eliminate AppStacks, inconsistencies with the interface and more.

"It felt like 3.0 was rushed to market," said Jason Coleman, enterprise network engineer Solutions Inc., a partner of VMware in Sacramento, California. "It feels like you still need a little polish".

VMware launches for the first volumes App end in 2014, after acquiring CloudVolumes. Earlier this month, the updated volumes VMware application to version 2.10 2.11 - about three months after the release of iPhone 3.0 volumes. The reason is VMware 2.x and 3.0 as separate products, respectively, said a spokesman for the company on the site and cloud-based deployments.

However, this approach has created confusion about which versions of certain customers must be running. The company has warned some private volumes App 3.0 customers with local implementations to return to version 2.10 or 2.11.

Coleman tried App 3.0 for VMware customers volumes, but quickly realized that there were problems that are not easy to solve. The biggest problem could not be removed without using a computer AppStacks support of VMware.

"When you can not remove them, you have a large collection of archived AppStacks" he said. "A lot of remaining content is obtained."

After the trial, Coleman decided to follow with 2.10 volumes of application. This version has a very different interface, but does not present the same problems as 3.0, she said.

IT professionals have encountered other problems with volumes 3.0 applications, too. Omesh Pertob, virtualization architect for the city of Round Rock, Texas, said there was a very inconsistent experience in the implementation of user applications and the application of computer applications when tested the software.

Problems with new versions are often derived from sellers who quickly grow a product to follow customer demands for innovation, said James Gordon, senior vice president of IT at Needham Bank in Needham, Massachusetts.

"Companies are always looking for the next hot new thing, and things headlong into the market," he said.

Needham Bank has tested an earlier version of the application contents VMware, but chose to go with the product of competition Unidesk place. The problem with the application volumes AppStacks was assigned to a power connection time user or computer, as well.

"I had to bust users who watches and say," My reboot took me three minutes when it used to take half, "Gordon said.

With Unidesk, adding applications does not increase the connection time, he said. The disadvantage with Unidesk is that you can add applications when the user's computer is off or in maintenance mode, but with application volumes, you can add AppStacks while the computer of a user is in the live performance, he added.

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