Much attention Media is the perceived competition between VMware and Cisco CE Relating virtualization of the network. Je have never really understood the competition. Cisco and VMware NSX ACI seem Solve Two Problems With Different Some overlap.
Recently, a non-VMware sponsored episode of The PacketPushers Podcast. During the podcast, the UN premiers customers VMware Ontario Spoken _their_ experience. One of the interesting points of Many is the use of ACI Two Cisco and VMware NSX.
But not like Same
VMware and Cisco use All Two networking software definition term (SDN) pay solutions classify Their. However, the products appear as complementary Whether competing.As Enterprises looking to re-platform for a simplified operating model, Cisco offers a centralized solution June focused on in-ACI Policy. For example, if the intention is UN insurer A POLICY QoS network administrator Application June outfit Such That voice is applied ACI policy in June Network Administrators to Manage QoS via centralized configurations ACI POLICY opposes a hand on Each Access-switch that can manage voice traffic.
De même, NSX Përmet on June Founded infrastructure for management of a virtualized network. An example is the flexibility of the Base NSX firewall rules. As opposed to the creation of UN rely on Access IP address and port, NSX use the vCenter BASIC DATA As source to pay the security objects. The result is The Power To place June Who rule prevents no no Oracle server cluster in communiquer with a device not on the logic DMZ switch.
The PacketPushers episode centered on the Hutto Independent School District experience installing and operating NSX. Near the end of the podcast, the client shared the CAS to use ACI and NSX.
The school district Survey upgraded Cisco Their 4500 data centers Series Switches. Donnees center services cover two morphologies. Pitches A traditional solution Qu'Appelle dual core data center Password Each data center. The school district has Chosen UN ACI designed with Cisco Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches. The design allowed the network managers create a single data center Logics.
ACI coupler with capacity NSX provides powerful abstraction June. The team of a physical data center not created that covers two data centers and has laid the foundation for UN capacity in June alone virtual network. NSX Eliminates the constraints of physical network devices. For example, customers-have the possibility of Virtual Networks 2 Sie layer Create break MANY RULES morphologies. An example is a single network layer 2 to 2000 nodes OÜ more.
NSX with the customer Cris One network layer 2 Who is capable of insurer security zero confidence. Built above ACI non tissue, this Sami network layer 2 Covers Two centers Donnees morphologies. Couple the concept of infrastructure in June vMotion with Cisco UCS Who Integrates with ACI, not high availability environment created is unprecedented.
There are a lot of uncharted waters here, however. Both NSX and ACI are considered as advanced network technology. The Enterprise With A conservative approach to technology should be cautious. I Heard stories of companies taking QUICKLY return Each technology after Having spent months on proof of concepts before going into production.
For customers who are looking to Implement state of the art in data center infrastructure, ll June pursue aggressively the data center architecture software definition, Cisco and VMware NSX ACI seem very complementary.
What do you think?
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